Tuesday, July 5, 2011

forth of july + weekend update

i'm seriously not some person who's going to run around and chant 'usa, usa, usa' but this year for forth of july, i did have my share of fun. included my best friend, seth, anthony, and shane well..not for long but he was there for a brief time. i ended up having one too many martini's and fell asleep around 8:30-9 it was one of those, once in a rare blue moon's that i get a break from being mommy and had my mom babysitting that night. luckily, i didn't wake up super sick or anything, i was good to go the next day. probably, shouldn't even be writing this year because heck i could be looked at as a bad parent or something ha..ha..ha.

anyways, on forth of july, i spent it with seth and brody. seth and i picked up some dinner and we went with my mom along in tow to riverside park to see the festivities, there wasn't anything super exciting so i offered to take everyone to get ice cream over on the beach. i got the new iphone for so pocketbooth has become my new favorite app to use with brody, clearly. i do like hipstamatic, but not as much.

brody also tried a little bit of ice cream, well it didn't kill him he just really seemed to like it. i think brody's downfall is going to be his love for food and not having my metabolism, he's a bit of a chunk yet again after we thought he was slimming down due to his huge growth spurt. anyways more pictures of the fun that has held the past couple days!

this week i'm forgoing the whole tuesday tunes, maybe next week my musical selection hasn't been the best or very changing.