Sunday, May 22, 2011

and another end of a weekend is upon us

the weekend started around Thursday, we took Brody to see my dad at work so I could fax a few things. as i'm trying my hardest to get a job and also, get some type of assistance for Brody. it kind of makes me mad, the people who honestly need it the most, don't get it. i doubt i'll get any assistance, if i didn't work or something then maybe i would. probably not, even when i wasn't working and pregnant i couldn't get any type of assistance, way to go government, you've failed yet again.

 friday night, Jordan and i got some alone time along with some much needed thrifting at the local goodwill. i'll take pictures when i have the time too, but i just wanted to at least get this update up before anything haha. Jordan and i went to sonny's for dinner and literally went into food coma afterwards, during our dinner we made the diabolical plan to surprise Seth at his house, which worked...we almost possibly got punched but it was fun. we indulged on the strongest apple martini's i've ever had and i made a mimosa for myself while Jordan and Seth had salty dogs.

(sweater - gap, v-neck shirt - gap, denim shorts - hollister, shoes - tjmaxx, necklace & bracelets - american eagle)
 i decided to upload a photo of my outfit, i'm pretty simple in the long run with clothing.  but the martini was possibly the hardest thing i ever had to suck up and drink.

 this was part of my friday day, brody and i relaxed and played all day long. he's loving to just lay on the floor and talk to whatever he can see, most of the time. now he's trying to crawl when he lays on his stomach, i think soon i'll be getting into a lot of fun..or mostly, he'll be ripping and making a mess out of everything...and i can't wait.
last night consisted of, brody having a mental breakdown from being so tired, me rushing home and Jordan coming over after. brody wore himself out and fell asleep, so Jordan and I stayed up and honestly, we had a good deep discussion about things going on in her life. i kind of feel like, i came off too strong but i probably gave her the best advice maybe anyone has. i know sometimes i don't follow my own advice, but what i've done and do, works for me. but, we ended up breaking out the hookah my dad had bought me in Israel. sure, it was the nastiest peach tobacco i've ever had, i need to find a better place around here to buy it from. otherwise, it was a good night...and now we'll see how this night turns out.